기본 콘텐츠로 건너뛰기

Rationale of 'Seemingly Irrational'

When you encounter someone you find difficult to understand, you label him/her as 'being irrational' and everything easily makes sense.  Kids will be kids. Boys will be boys. Kim Jong Un is a fat dictating king Putin is an evil dictator Trump is an unwitting salesman While we may settle for this kind of easy explanation in daily life, that will not get us far in the road to truthseeking (AKA graudating from grad school). Neither does it give us good dissertation topics. Long story short, we must be extra prudent before dismissing someone as 'irrational.' 'Irrational' may result from either of the two scenarios: 1) one is misguided and misinformed(unintentional) 2) one chooses to look irrational(intentional). Often times, we assume the first scenario and neglect the possibility of the second. For instance, for President Trump, As far as he is promoting a profit-based world order in lieu of a norms-based order, whacko image works. Redesigning trad...
최근 글

Book Review - When Breath Becomes Air (Paul Kalinithi)

If there is ever a universal topic for everyone around the world to have common ground, that topic is life and death. That is probably why conflicting or divided people can come together when mourning for the dead, and passersby break into a smile when running into a newborn in the street. To the universality of the topic, added is the uniqueness of one man, a father, neurosurgeon, and a lung cancer patient. Reading into Paul's narrative--on his scholastic and career ambitions, his dear relationship with his wife Lucy, choice to have a life rather than life support--is as though we get to know a friend. To someone who aspires to take the scholastic path, Paul's command of the English language and his academic success in areas on both science and humanity stand out, serving as a model and a guide. As the pages of the book are turned by the hands of its readers, the finite, fleeting account of Paul's life is reanimated. (image from the Telegraph ) But it is ...

Theme and Author Profile

LTSUH About the Blog | 블로그 소개 | 博客介绍  Theme : Academic, Fiction, Casual | 테마: 학술, 소설, 일상 | 主题 : 学术, 小说, 日常的 Topic : International Relations, Korean Peninsula, Military, and ALL THINGS  INTERNATIONAL | 주제: 국제관계, 한반도, 군사 | 话题 : 国际关系, 韩半岛, 军事, 万物国际  Language : Mostly English & Korean, Sometimes Chinese | 언어: 한국어, 영어, (가끔) 중국어 | 语言 : 大部分英语和韩语,有时候汉语  Open to: any and all | 공개: 모두 | 向公从公开的 About the Author | 블로그 관리자 소개 |  作者介绍 Young Military Officer in Active Duty | 현역 장교 | 年轻的现役军官 Bachelor of Social Science in International Relations | 국제관계전공 |国际关系学士 Stalwart Catholic | 천주교 신자 | 虔诚的天主教徒 Patron of a 5-year-old Maltese Puppy | 말티즈 후견인 | 一只五岁小狗的主人

[Reading Log] 2 The Prospects of Regional Integration in the Pacific: Developing a framework for Multilateral security cooperation

Title Date Organization Publication Author The Prospects of Regional Integration in the Pacific: Developing a framework for Multilateral security cooperation 2003 Summer Harvard Asia Pacific Review Cambridge Vol.7, Iss.1, pp. 26-30 Ralph A. Crossa Takeaway Quotes   The ASEAN Regional Forum "The evolution of the ARF from a confidence building measures "talk shop" to a true preventive diplomacy mechanism (as called for in its 1995 Concept Paper) will be a long, difficult one For Japan, active participation provides a means to cautiously exert a greater leadership role in international security affairs.   CSCAP: Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Non-governmental, "track two" organization that involves public & private sector (institutes, academia, foreign ministry, defense) personnel in their unofficial capacities.   In 1991, Japan Foreign Minister Nagayama suggested at an ASEAN Post-Mi...

[Reading Log] 1 북한이탈주민의 탈북동기 척도 개발

제목 날짜 출판기관 간행물 저자 북한이탈주민의 탈북동기 척도 개발 2018.04 통일연구원 통일정책연구 제 27 권 1 호 손영철 , 유정이 1. " 자기결정론의 유기체통합이론 " (Ryan and Deci) 동기는 다음과 같이 나뉨 . 1) " 내재적 동기 (Intrinsic Motivation)", 활동 / 행동 자체가 즐거워서 하는 것 . ex) 진실된 사랑 , 게임 등 취미활동    ex) 나는 엄마를 위한 일을 할 것이다 . 그냥 그게 좋아서 .    ex) 탈북이 즐겁고 스릴 있어서 ( 현실가능성이 없으므로 탈북에는 내재적 동기가 없음 ) 2) " 외재적 동기 (Extrinsic Motivation)" 으로 나뉘는데 , 외재적 동기는 세부적으로 다음과 같이 나뉨 .    (1) 통합적 조절 (integrated regulation)       외부의 것을 받아들여 내부 세계로 옮겨놓는 것 중에서 자아에 동화된 정도가 가장 큰 것 .       원래 내것은 아니지만 자아에 동화된 것 .        ex) 나는 엄마를 위한 일을 할 것이다 . 나를 낳아주시진 않았지만 나는 엄마를 받아들였어 .        ex) 드라마를 통해 대한민국 사회를 동경하게 되었음 . (2) 동일시 조절 (identified regulation) “ 내가 생각하기에 이건 가치가 있어 “        ex) 나는 효도할 것이다 . 엄마는 나에게 고마운 것을 많이 해주셨어 . 난 엄마에게 잘 해주겠다고 결심했어 .        ex) 북한의 체제는 썩었다 . 그래서 나는 떠난다 .   ...